

Find out how microbes can cause infectious diseases 和 how to minimize their threat to human health in this 研究-intensive, 强调医学的实践课程, 制药和公共卫生微生物学.


为包括医疗保健在内的领域的职业和高级学习做好准备, 公共卫生, 生物技术与制药科学. The degree in microbiology at ACPHS offers extensive h和s-on learning 和 研究 opportunities, 最先进的实验室和研究设施, 个性化建议和强大的医学预科支持.

As one of the few colleges in the Northeast to offer an undergraduate microbiology pro克, ACPHS provides a unique opportunity to gain specialized skills that you won’t get in a traditional biology pro克 — 和 a competitive edge in the job market when you graduate. Almost all our alumni go on to graduate or professional schools or find careers in the healthcare or biopharmaceutical industry.

Engage in laboratory-based independent 研究 projects beginning in your first year, 和细菌学专家一起工作, 病毒学, 免疫学和细胞生物学. Participate in biopharmaceutical internships that often lead directly to job opportunities. Prepare for advanced studies through a rigorous core curriculum based on the guidelines of the American Society for 微生物学.

你的微生物学学位可以专攻生物医学微生物学, 公共卫生微生物学/传染病流行病学, 或工业/制药微生物学. Our pro克 director 和 advisors will work closely with you to tailor a curriculum that matches your interests 和 career goals.


微生物学 is the study of living organisms that are too small to be observed with the naked eye, 比如细菌, 藻类, 或真菌. Microbiologists investigate the growth 和 characteristics of these microscopic organisms, 研究他们的行为, track their spread 和 explore how to minimize the risks they pose to humans.

Microbiologists have contributed to some of the most important medical 和 scientific breakthroughs in history — from the development of the smallpox vaccine to the discovery of penicillin. 每一天, 他们的工作是开发救命药物不可或缺的一部分, 清理污染, 生产生物燃料和确保食品安全.

微生物学中有许多不同的分支学科. 生物医学微生物学涉及对细菌(细菌学)的研究。, viruses (病毒学) 和 免疫学 (the study of mechanisms to fight infections). Medical microbiologists study pathogenic microbes that cause disease in humans, 宠物, 牲畜, 野生动植物, 开发针对新出现疾病的疫苗和治疗方法.

The bachelor’s in microbiology degree at ACPHS is particularly geared towards medical, 制药和公共卫生微生物学. 该项目结合了基础科学, clinical 和 translational 研究 to offer graduates a unique 和 specialized skillset that is in high dem和 by employers.

研究是微生物学计划的关键部分. 你将在第一年的春天开始, gaining more experience each semester as you build toward a faculty-mentored 研究 project your senior year. Graduate with a portfolio of 研究 experience that’s comparable to other colleges’ graduate pro克s 和 gain a powerful advantage when applying for a job or to graduate school. 了解更多微生物学专业的研究机会.

ACPHS faculty specialize in underst和ing the molecular basis of infectious disease pathogenesis, 研究领域包括细菌学, 病毒学, 免疫学和细胞生物学. 几个领导外部资助的研究项目. Our campus is home to state-of-the-art 研究 和 instructional laboratory spaces designed to conduct cutting-edge 研究 in biomedical sciences — including the Instructional 微生物学 Laboratory 和 the 微生物学 和 Infectious Diseases 研究 Labs. Find out more about faculty 研究 mentors in the microbiology degree pro克

作为ACPHS的微生物学专业学生, you can also participate in internship 和 co-op experiences with local pharmaceutical companies Regeneron礼来公司, gaining critical real-world experience that will position you for future success. 这些经历通常会直接带来工作机会. 附近的奥尔巴尼医疗中心医院, 教学医院, 以及沃兹沃斯中心, 纽约州的一个公共实验室, 提供额外的实习机会, 研究, 志愿服务和更多.

我们微生物学专业的毕业生攻读硕士和博士学位.D. 在广泛的研究领域的程序, 包括微生物学, 免疫学, 分子生物学和细胞生物学. 许多人继续去医学、牙科或兽医学校. 其他人则以学士学位毕业生的身份进入职场, 从事科研工作, 质量控制分析师和研究技术人员. 为ACPHS项目毕业生探索微生物学的就业机会 .

微生物学家在研究实验室工作, 工业企业, 大学, 医院, 政府机构和许多其他机构. 作为微生物学专业的学生, you can also apply your knowledge 和 skills to fields as diverse as marketing, 教学, 环境与气候变化, 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台与监管政策. Metropolitan areas in New York 和 New Jersey have some of the highest employment levels of microbiologists in the nation.

获得微生物学学位能挣多少钱? 最近来自美国的数据显示.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average microbiologist salary is $84,400 per year. 然而,工资中位数会因你所在的行业而异. 联邦政府的工作往往是年薪最高的,为每年112,940美元. 研究 和 development careers are next with an average microbiologist salary of $108,300, 其次是制药和医药制造业,为73美元,830.
根据你的兴趣和愿望制定学习计划. 不像一般的生物学课程, the microbiology major at ACPHS provides specialized education 和 training that will give you a competitive edge when applying to jobs or graduate school. 无论你的目标是攻读医学预科, 药物研究或环境法规, we will work closely with you to customize a course of study that fits your needs.

The core curriculum for the bachelor’s degree in microbiology provides a solid foundation in how infectious diseases occur. 从那里, 你可以从三个专业中选择:生物医学微生物学, 公共卫生微生物学/传染病流行病学, 工业/制药微生物学.

The biomedical track provides a strong foundation for advanced graduate studies in microbiology, 免疫学, 病毒学, 以及细胞和分子生物学. The 公共卫生 和 infectious disease track provides an in-depth underst和ing of the major laboratory 和 公共卫生 aspects of microbial pathogens, 为你在学术和工业研究实验室的职业生涯做好准备, 以及公共和国际卫生机构. 专注于工业和制药微生物学, 你将学习微生物污染的预防, 与药品加工和制造相关的医疗保健问题, 药物和环境法规.

如果你对获得硕士学位感兴趣, ACPHS also offers a BS/MS dual degree pro克 in 微生物学 和 分子生物科学 .
埃丽卡·肖尔5岁时听说了圣. Jude's Children's 研究 Hospital 和 decided she would help children with serious illness when she grew up. In October, she presented her work at that very institution's graduate school. Her hope is to conduct 研究 in pediatric oncology after graduating from ACPHS in May 2023.

奥黛丽DeGraw, 微生物学大二学生, worked with classmates Amalia Nunes 和 Elias Morales to identify a novel virus from a soil sample in Lincoln Park. The virus, which they named after Albany's ducks, has been added to an international database. Their finding gave Audrey the opportunity to mingle with indigenous scientists at a national conference.